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Brine generator S4 - Dissolver with technical room for connection to salt silos or also as a stand-alone solution

The S4 brine generator has a technical room to accommodate the entire dissolving and control technology. Also integrated. This means that brine production can take place in a small space. In addition, the dissolver. For the connection to a silo excellently suitable.


Your advantages:
  • Technical room already integrated
  • Corrosion-free
  • Long service life and high break resistance
  • Extensive additional equipment and accessories such as operating platforms, discharge aids,coloring


Technical data:
  • Storage volume salt: up to 10 m³
  • Diameter (inside): 2,400 mm to 3,500 mm
  • Dissolving capacity: up to 10.000 ltr/h depending on type
  • Usable salt types: all

Brine generator S4